Joigny – Our Junior School
Beginning the learning journey
Proudly named after the birthplace in France of our Sacred Heart founder, St Madeleine Sophie Barat, Joigny is a stimulating and caring environment for students from Prep to Year 6.
Children are naturally enthusiastic and curious, which is why the learning experiences we develop build upon their wonder and innate inquisitiveness. A Joigny education invites an exploration of learning, where we encourage each student to develop a sense of herself at school as she explores the curriculum in a variety of ways – independently, collaboratively and actively.
We focus on her social development and critical and creative thinking, both in and beyond the classroom. We also understand each student learns in her own way and at her own rate as we meet her individual needs with a differentiated curriculum.
Small class sizes enable teachers to develop a very clear understanding of each girl’s strengths and challenges. This ensures that every Joigny student is well-known and supported by a team of 10 specialist teachers including their dedicated class teacher. These teachers are specialists in Numeracy, Literacy, French, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music, Choir, Library and Learning Enhancement.
Information Technology is integrated into the curriculum with computers in every classroom, access to computer labs and class iPads from Prep to Year 6.
All classes from Prep to Year 6 engage in the Wellness program which explicitly teaches personal and interpersonal skills to assist the development of social skills, wellbeing practices and self-efficacy.
Our nurturing Joigny teachers also work to instil Sacred Heart values so that our girls know, appreciate and express courage and kindness in the service of others.
Prep to Year 2
Foundation years
The school experience in the foundation years of Prep to Year 2 builds upon the natural curiosity of young children, with particular focus upon literacy and numeracy. Our programs reflect a relentless determination to ensure success for all, which is achieved by having high expectations for all students, providing early intervention for children who are having difficulties and ensuring students are highly engaged during learning time.
Specialist programs in Music, Choir, Visual Art, French, Physical Education and Library enable our girls to develop skills and understandings across diverse areas. In addition to Music and Choir, students in Year 2 also participate in an Instrumental program, in which the girls learn to play stringed instruments.
The Student Leadership program begins from Prep, provided through classroom programs as well as opportunities for students to hold positions as Class Representatives on the Student Representative Council and the Green Team (environmental sustainability group).
Years 3 and 4
Middle primary years

Learners in Years 3 and 4 become more persistent and prolific in their learning. During these years the students are encouraged to look beyond themselves to the wider world making connections with the environment, sustainability and other global issues which impact on their own world.
As part of their Religious Education program, students in Years 3 and 4 participate in the Sacramental Program. Students in Year 3 receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and students receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist in Year 4..
Students expand their horizons through specialist programs in Visual Art, French, Physical Education, Library, Music and Choir.
In Year 3, students take part in an overnight camp experience based onsite. In Year 4 the students take part in an overnight camp at an offsite venue.
The Student Leadership program is provided through classroom programs as well as opportunities for students to hold positions as Class Representatives on the Student Representative Council and the Green Team (environmental sustainability group).
The Co-Curricular program offers Years 3 and 4 students opportunities to develop areas of interest beyond classroom learning, and includes activities such as: House Sport; Squad Training (swimming, diving, cross country running, athletics); Chess Club; Tennis lessons; Garden Gang; Bow Rock (stringed instrumental group); Poetry Club; and Drama Club.
Years 5 and 6
Senior primary years

In preparation for their transition to Senior School, Years 5 and 6 students develop independence in their learning and a strong sense of self through leadership and personal growth programs.
Specialist programs are undertaken in Visual Art, French, Physical Education, Library, Choir and Music. In addition to Choir and Music lessons, all Year 5 students study a musical instrument in small groups for the year, participating in various ensembles.
In Year 5, students take part in a three day/two night camp experience that focuses upon the development of personal and interpersonal skills. Students in Year 6 participate in a three day/two night camp that seeks to further develop their independence and sense of self.
In addition to the classroom and class representative positions available in the younger year levels, the Student Leadership program for Years 5 and 6 students calls upon the students to be actively seeking to assist and lead Joigny. In Year 5, all students take part in the Prep/Year 5 Buddy program which focuses upon outreach to others. In their final year of Junior school, all Year 6 students take part in a leadership program that sees them inducted into leadership positions as members of committees that hold particular responsibilities for the year.
Learning Enhancement
Extension, enrichment, specialisation and support are provided by specialist support teachers who assist in the delivery of individualised learning programs that meet the needs of both highly able students and students with specific learning support needs.
Joigny Wellbeing Program
In Joigny, the Wellness program has been developed in response to the social, emotional and wellbeing needs of our students. The program aims to explicitly teach and strengthen skills and capacities to support students to manage life challenges to maintain a healthy mental wellbeing. An individual’s wellbeing is constantly changing. How students feel about themselves and their own wellbeing changes over time, in different situations and circumstances, and in response to community and environmental factors.
The Wellness curriculum explicitly teaches social thinking, develops students’ emotional intelligence and builds on interpersonal skills at the age and stage of each student’s development. The curriculum offered is guided by a number of programs that focus on
Social Thinking, Values Education, Resilience, Cybersafety and the Health curriculum.
The Resilience Project
An essential part of our Wellness program is the students’ involvement in the Resilience Project. This program focuses on four key strategies:
Gratitude –being thankful and appreciative of what we have in our lives.
Empathy – to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place.
Mindfulness – the ability to be calm and present at any given moment. It is paying attention to what is happening in the present moment. It supports the development of increased focus and attention, improved academic performance, ability to resolve conflict, overall wellbeing and can decrease levels of stress.
Emotional Literacy – This involves each student developing vocabulary so that they are able to clearly state how they are feeling. Being able to express oneself appropriately empowers a person to navigate emotional achievements and challenges successfully.
Alongside the class lessons and activities, the students have the opportunity to reflect on these key strategies each day. Throughout the Student Planner, short daily activities are included that support and encourage the students to reflect on what they are grateful for, what went well in their day, and areas for them to develop. The research suggests that as the students make positive reflection a regular part of their lives they become more resilient. The prompts in the Student Planner help the students to identify their emotions, record moments of gratitude and practice mindfulness. The aim is to develop emotional literacy, engage with the positive things in life and be actively present. The prompts may also provide parents with opportunities to chat with their daughter about the positive feelings, activities and experiences each child has every day.
We wish to work together with parents and each of our students to continue to support and build their wellbeing.
EXTEND Outside School Hours Care
Extend is Australia’s largest family owned and operated Outside School Hours Care provider. Our After School Care and Holiday programs are engaging, inclusive and safe.
Coupled with our knowledgeable, compassionate and energetic Educators, there is good reason why Extend is the place for your children to thrive, learn, laugh and play.
Since 2002, Extend has enriched the lives of children across Australia, we’ve partnered with extraordinary schools like Sacré Cœur and have helped parents balance work with family life.
Most rewardingly, we have had the privilege of shaping young minds, witnessing their growth and development during their most important years, and making a real difference to children’s lives. We are tremendously proud of what we have achieved and excited about the journey ahead.
Service Information
Hours of operation, fees, how to book and holiday program information can be accessed on Extend’s website here.
Customer Service
Extend’s friendly and knowledgeable customer service team is on hand to help with all enrolment, booking and school holiday program needs.
Email: or call 1300 366 437